

You can see the changelog page. Use the latest version : the software is under heavy work and change quickly

Install from package

On Debian/Ubuntu, you can install the DomDNS package after adding our repository to your server

Create a new file named /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with :

deb testing main

Then activate the new repository with the keys :

gpg --recv-keys E1074DE2C17876EF
gpg --armor --export C17876EF | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update

Then install DomDNS :

sudo apt-get install domdns

The configuration file is /etc/domdns/configuration.php

Install from source

Download the latest source from

Extract the files

Upload the files to your web server

The configuration file is data/configuration.php

Don't forget to install the latest domframework

Then go to the configuration step